How to Qualify for Panama Residency via the Pensionado Visa

Pensionado Visa

Boasting a year-round tropical climate, an affordable cost of living, and access to modern amenities and health care, Panama is consistently ranked by International Living as one of the best places to retire in the world today.

And if you are interested in relocating to Panama, then the Retirement and Pensioner (“Pensionado“) Visa offers one of the fastest, least expensive, and most straightforward paths to becoming a permanent resident.  

This article will provide an overview of the requirements and application process to apply and qualify for the Pensionado Visa program.

Why Foreign Retirees Choosing Panama?

If you have spent any time at all in Panama, then you know that it is much more than beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and manicured golf courses.  Panama is also one of the safest countries in Latin America, and one of the fastest-growing economies in the hemisphere.  

And while the country is quite small geographically speaking, a lot is going on here. Panama City is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Latin America, set against the backdrop of a diverse natural landscape.  It is also the Copa Airlines hub, with daily direct flights to locations all around the region and the world.  

Requirements to Qualify for Panama’s Pensionado Visa

While the Pensionado Visa is often associated with retirees living out their golden years on a fixed pension income, this permanent residency program is not limited to advanced-age applicants.  In fact, there is no minimum age to qualify so long as the applicant can satisfy the 2 main requirements:

  1. The applicant must be the beneficiary of a pension or annuity paying a minimum of $1,000 USD per month; and                                                                                                             
  2. The pension or annuity must provide a lifetime benefit.

That’s it.  The benefit can be from a foreign government agency or military, or it can be from a trust, a private pension administration, a banking entity, an insurance company, or another private company.  What matters is that it provides the requisite $1,000 USD monthly benefit (or the equivalent if in a different currency) and that the benefit must be for life.  It’s that simple!

The $1,000 USD Minimum Monthly Income

The requirements for the Pensionado Visa program are quite clear, but they are also very rigid.  For one thing, it has to be a pension benefit, annuity benefit, or something similar.  For example, even if regular monthly payouts from a stock portfolio or rental properties consistently exceed the threshold amount, such income would not qualify for the Pensionado Visa.  

Similarly, if your Social Security benefit is $1,150 per month, but after deductions for things like Medicare you receive less than $1,000 per month, then the income would not qualify for the Pensionado Visa program.

The Lifetime Benefit Requirement

The lifetime benefit requirement is also quite rigid.  For example, let’s say you have a financial product such as an annuity that pays a minimum fixed return above $1,000 per month.  If you have an option of canceling the annuity and withdrawing your invested capital, then the annuity would not qualify as a lifetime benefit for the purposes of the Pensionado Visa.

And you will need to obtain a letter from the provider specifying that you receive at least $1,000 USD per month, and that it is a lifetime benefit.  The government official reviewing your residency application in Panama won’t make any inferences or assumptions.  

For example, it may seem obvious that your monthly US Social Security payment is a lifetime benefit.  But the letter from the US Social Security Admin that we include in your residency application package needs to state this explicitly and on its face.  The letter must also be issued within 6 months of submitting your residency application package.  

But if you hit a dead end on this with the Social Security Admin, then don´t worry!  We have an easy workaround!

Applying for the Pensionado Visa with Dependents

Applicants who qualify can also obtain residency for their spouse or dependent children.  But there are some additional requirements that you need to take into account when applying with a family member. 

Applying as a Married Couple

A qualifying applicant can obtain permanent residency for his/her spouse, but you need to be aware of a few important details.

First, when a husband and wife apply together, they will need to obtain a fresh copy of their marriage certificate.  The marriage certificate has to have been issued within 6 months of applying for residency, so an original marriage certificate won’t work unless you just recently married. 

Second, there are 2 options for a married couple to satisfy the minimum monthly benefit threshold:

Option 1:    If a married couple each has a pension or annuity paying a lifetime benefit, then they can satisfy the $1,000 USD monthly benefit requirement based on the cumulative amount of their monthly benefits.  
So, let’s say a man has a pension paying $500 USD per month as a lifetime benefit, and his legally married wife has a qualifying annuity paying $500 USD per month.  Individually, neither of them meets the $1,000 USD monthly threshold.  But their cumulative monthly benefits do add up to $1,000 USD, so they can qualify for the Panama Pensionado Visa.

Option 2:    The primary applicant can apply with his/her spouse as a dependent, but the primary applicant’s pension or annuity benefit should cover an additional $250 USD per month.      
For example, a woman with a pension paying $1,250 per month as a lifetime benefit could qualify for the Panama Pensionado Visa with her legally married husband as her dependent.

Applying with Children as Dependents

Qualifying applicants can also obtain residency for their dependent children under the Pensionado Visa, but you need to be aware of some important details here as well.

First, you will need to submit a copy of each child’s birth certificate.  However, these do not have to be freshly issued copies within 6 months of submitting the application.

Second, you can obtain permanent residency for minor children (under 18 years of age).  If you have dependent children over 18 years old, then they can apply for residency as well.  However, they must be enrolled as a full-time student to qualify, and they will only be able to maintain residency until age 25.  READ MORE ABOUT THIS. 

Third, the primary applicant’s pension or annuity benefit should cover an additional $250 USD per month for each dependent child.

Attractive Benefits

The Pensionado Visa also grants a number of excellent benefits for applicants living on a fixed income:

  • A tax exemption on the import of household goods up to $10,000 USD.
  • A tax exemption on the import of a new car every two years.
  • 50% discount at movie theaters, concerts, or sports events
  • 30% discount on bus, boat, and train fares
  • 25% discount on domestic airline tickets
  • 50% discount at hotels Monday-Thursday (30% Friday-Sunday)
  • 25% discount at restaurants (15% at fast-food establishments)
  • 15% discount on hospital bills (if no insurance applies) / 10% discount on prescription meds / 20% discount on medical consultations / 15% discount on dental or eye exams
  • 25% discounts on utility bills
  • 1% interest subsidy on a home mortgage          

All of that adds up to “pretty damn good”.  And it is no wonder that the Retirement and Pensioner Visa is among the most popular visa options in Panama. 

 Documents to Prepare 

To apply for the Pensionado Visa, you should plan to include the following documents in your application package:

  1. A letter from your pension or annuity provider confirming that a.) you receive the minimum monthly income and b.) that it is a lifetime benefit.  The letter must be issued within 6 months of submitting your residency application, and it must be apostilled or otherwise authenticated.  
  2. A federal background check, which should also be issued within 6 months of applying, and must also be apostilled or otherwise authenticated.
  3. Your passport should have a minimum of 6 months validity.
  4. A second form of ID (such as a driver’s license) from the country that issued your federal background check.
  5. 5 passport-size photos.
  6. If applying with a spouse, you will need to provide a freshly issued copy of your marriage certificate issued within 6 months of applying.  And it must be apostilled or otherwise authenticated.
  7. If applying with dependent children (minors or at least under 25 years of age), then you will need to provide apostilled or otherwise authenticated copies of each child’s birth certificate.  However, these do not need to be freshly issued within 6 months of applying.
  8. If you receive your benefit from a private corporation, then you will need to provide a certification of the existence and validity of the company.  And you will also need to provide a proof of payment receipt or bank account statement showing the benefit being received.
  9. A health certificate from a licensed physician.
  10. A power of attorney and other documents that I will provide.

Other Frequently Asked (or Interesting) Questions

This is a list of questions that I receive from clients about the Panama Pensionado Visa program.  New inquiries are always coming in, so I’ll update this from time to time.  

Do I have to travel to Panama to apply for the Panama Pensionado Visa?

Yes, you’ll have to come to Panama for the passport registration at the immigration office and to take your picture for the provisional residency card.  These will allow you to stay in Panama, and to come and go from Panama, while the Visa is being processed.  We can usually accomplish this within max 5 business days, and then you won’t need to be in Panama again until you are ready to take the picture for your permanent residency card about 6 months later.

What do you mean by apostille or other authentication?

These refer to a certification that verifies the authenticity of public documents for use in a foreign country.  You can usually obtain these through your State Department, Global Affairs Office, or a similar government agency in the country where your legal documents were issued.  Or you can obtain the required authentication through the Panamanian Consulate in the issuing country.  You can read more about the apostille here, and here is another article that provides instructions and helpful links for obtaining an Apostille in the United States

How does the Panama Pensionado Visa compare with the Friendly Nations Visa?

Both are very popular, and both are great residency programs.  The Pensionado Visa is cheaper, less complicated, and offers a direct path to permanent residency  But one downside is that the Panama Pensionado Visa does not allow the applicant to apply for a Work Permit.  If you want to go further down this rabbit hole, check out our article Comparing the Pensionado Visa vs. Friendly Nations.  

I have some old criminal charges from the late 1970s.  Can I still apply?

Whether old criminal issues will be prohibitive really depends on the nature and severity of the charges and how old they are.  But your immigration lawyer can request an opinion from the immigration office as to whether the charges will be an impediment before you invest time and money in the application process.  

If I obtained residency through one of the other residency programs, can I still qualify for retirement benefits in Panama?

Yes, anyone with Panama residency can qualify for these benefits once they reach retirement age (defined as 57 years old for women / 62 years old for men).  

Are there any exceptions to the $1,000 USD minimum monthly income requirement?

Yes, there is one.  If you have purchased a real estate property in Panama for at least $100,000 USD, then you would be able to qualify for Panama’s Pensionado Visa a lifetime pension or annuity benefit of just $750 USD per month.

Bottom line? 

For applicants fortunate enough to qualify, the Pensionado Visa is often the best option for obtaining permanent residency in Panama.  It is one of the few Visa options that currently offers a direct path to permanent residency in Panama.  It also offers a range of benefits including discounts on things like home mortgages, entertainment, and medical services, as well as tax exemptions. 

The requirements for the Pensionado Visa are also very clear and specific.  So you can very quickly determine whether you will qualify.  

Do you have a pension or annuity that you think may qualify for the Retirement and Pensioner Visa?  Let us hear from you to provide a quote.

The Independent Lawyer
The Independent Lawyer

The Reforestation Visa - Investor Visas

There are a few different paths to residency available to foreigners investing in government certified reforestation projects in Panama:

  1. With a minimum investment of $80,000 USD qualifying applicants can obtain residency for 5 years.
  2. With a minimum investment of $100,000 USD qualifying applicants can obtain residency for 2 years, but are then eligible to apply for permanent residency.
  3. With a minimum investment of $350,000 USD qualifying applicants can directly obtain permanent residency through a fast-tracked process.

Qualified Investor Visa - Investor Visas

The Qualified Investor Visa is the only investor visa that offers an expedited process to directly obtain permanent residency in Panama.

To qualify, an applicant must make an investment that satisfies the following requirements:

  1. An equity investment of at least $500,000 USD in the purchase of a a real state property in Panama. The property must be free of any mortgage or lien.
  2. An investment of at least $500,000 USD in Panama Stock Market, through a Panamanian securities brokerage firm.
  3. A minimum 5-year certificate of deposit (“CD” or “Time Deposit”) of at least $750,000 USD in a bank in Panama.

The options above cannot be mixed and matched to satisfy the minimum investment threshold amount. The funds must also originate from outside of Panama to qualify.

Self Economic Solvency Visa - Investor Visas

The Self Economic Solvency Visa offers residency to foreigners who make a qualifying minimum investment in Panama, which include:

1. An equity investment of at least $300,000 USD in the purchase of a real state property in Panama.

2. A minimum 3-year certificate of deposit (“CD” or “Time Deposit”) of at least $300,000 USD in a bank in Panama.

3. A combination of 1 & 2.

This is a good option for someone who has already purchased real estate which does not quite satisfy the minimum investment requirement.

Spouses or dependents can also obtain residency with an additional investment of $2,000 USD for each additional applicant. Qualifying applicants will initially obtain residency for 2 years and may then apply for permanent residency.

Friendly Nations Visa (FNV) - Investor Visas

The Friendly Nations Visa (FNV) offers one of the fastest and straightforward paths to residency for citizens of nations designated as “friendly” to Panama.

The minimum investment is $200,000 USD as equity in the purchase of a real state property in Panama or a minimum 3-year certificate of deposit (“CD” or “Time Deposit”) in a bank in Panama. Applicants who qualify can also obtain residency for their spouse or dependents with an additional investment of $2,000 USD for each additional applicant.

Applicants qualifying for the Business Investor Visa will initially obtain residency for 2 years and may then apply for permanent residency. The FNV also affords foreigners the opportunity to apply for a work permit in Panama.

Check whether you are likely to qualify by choosing which nation has issued your passport, or contact us to request a quote.

Business Investor Visa - Investor Visas

The Business Investor Visa is available to investors and entrepreneurs investing in a business in Panama.

To qualify, an applicant must invest a minimum $160,000 USD investment in capital stock of a Panamanian company.

Applicants who qualify can also obtain residency for their spouse or dependents with an additional investment of $2,000 USD for each additional applicant.

Applicants qualifying for the Business Investor Visa will initially obtain residency for 2 years and may then apply for permanent residency.

Panama Citizenship

Once you have obtained permanent residency and held it for a period of 5 years, you can apply for Panamanian citizenship (and then a passport).  If you are also married to a Panamanian or have children with a Panamanian parent, then you can apply after holding permanent residency for just 3 years.

Please contact me if you have questions or would like to discuss the application process and requirements.

Short-Stay Visa

With solid infrastructure and direct flights all around the hemisphere, Panama has become an increasingly popular destination for freelancers and remote workers doing business outside of Panama. The main requirements are:

1. Remote workers should provide a contract setting forth the employees main functions being performed abroad for a foreign company doing work on an international level. However, self-employed free-lancers can also apply.

2. Applicants should demonstrate an annual income of at least $36,000 USD (or $48,000 USD per family).

Qualifying digital nomads can obtain a 9-month residency, extendable to 18 months. And if you fall in love with Panama and want to talk about permanent residency after that, then I help you with longer-term residency options.

Family Regrouping

There are a few different residency options available to applicants with family ties to Panama. Some of the main options are as follows:

1. Married to a Panamanian​

The main requirement is a real, legal and valid marriage with a Panamanian citizen.  Qualifying applicants may apply for a permanent residency.

b. Panamanian Children

The parents of a child who a.) was born in Panama and b.) is over five years old may apply for permanent residency in Panama.

c. Dependents of a Panama resident

Generally speaking, a foreigner who has qualifies for residency in Panama can also obtain residency for their spouse and dependents.  The requirements will vary depending on the type of residency visa.

Investor Visas

Panama has created several different residency options to incentivize foreign investment. These visas offer several different paths to short-term or permanent residency based on different types of investments and minimum investment amounts.

The following Investor Visas are covered here (click each one for details):

  1. Business Investor Visa (min. investment of $160,000 USD)
  2. Friendly Nations Visa (min. investment of $200,000 USD)
  3. Self-Economic Solvency Visa (min. investment of $300,000 USD)
  4. Qualified Investor Visa (min. investment of $500,000 USD)
  5. Reforestation Visa (min. investment varies)

Retirement & Pensioner Visa

Often referred to as the Jubilado (Retired Person) Visa because of its popularity among retirees, this is also a fast and affordable path toward permanent residency for applicants who qualify.

In fact, anyone over age 18 can apply so long as they satisfy the 2 main requirements:

1. A pension or annuity paying a minimum of $1,000 USD per month.

The annuity or pension can be paid by a private company, military, government agencies, corporations, a bank, an insurance company, or a Trust.

2. The pension or annuity must provide a lifetime benefit.

Qualifying applicants can obtain residency for their spouse as well, but the pension or annuity benefit should cover an additional $250 per month.

As an added benefit, the Pensioner Visa also grants discounts at restaurants, hotels, movie theaters, pharmacies and domestic airlines, making it a popular option for clients on a fixed income. The Pensioner Visa also affords foreigners the opportunity to apply for a 3-year, renewable work permit in Panama.

Friendly Nations Visa

Citizens from nations designated as “friendly” to Panama can obtain a residency visa for themselves and their family.

Applicants qualifying for the Friendly Nations Visa (FNV) will initially obtain residency for 2 years, and may then apply for permanent residency.

The FNV also affords foreigners the opportunity to apply for a work permit in Panama.

The FNV involves offers a very straightforward process and is one of the most affordable paths to residency in Panama for those who qualify.

Work Permits

For foreigners who wish to obtain a work permit to seek employment in Panama, there is a separate application process that begins only after having obtained residency.

Generally, anyone who has held residency in Panama for 10 years can apply for a work permit. However, there are much shorter and more direct processes to obtain a work permit depending on which visa process the applicant pursued to obtain residency.

Please contact us if you have questions or would like to discuss the application process and requirements.